Synthetic media is seeping into our everyday lives, but are we ready? In this BBC Radio 4 documentary series, Henry Ajder examines the legal, political, and ethical implications of this disruptive technology.

“A glimpse into a deepfake dystopia” The New Statesman

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Episode Guide

Episode 1: Private Pain

Henry Ajder examines our synthetic future- starting with deepfakes’ murky origins in pornography

Episode 2: Deepfakes for Disinformation

Henry Ajder examines example of political deepfakes, including a fake video of Ukraine’s President Zelensky.

Episode 3: Threat to Democracy?

Who can you trust in an increasingly synthetic future- and can deepfakes make you laugh?

Episode 4: Art and Business

Who owns the art that AI produces? Henry Ajder unpicks the creative and legal implications.

Episode 5: Communications & Relationships

Henry Ajder explores positive future applications of synthetic media.